Thursday, January 19, 2012

There has really not been a lot going on this week at the Beckham house.  I have been putting off doing my homework all week, so now I have to get it done pronto.  But that is usually how I get it done best, under pressure, so no worries.  

Lana has been singing "John Jacob Jingle Himmer Smith" today so I got a quick video of it as we were putting them to bed...
Ha ha...guess you figured out with me that
I don't know how to put the video right here...
Imagine a cute video of Lana, ready for bed
singing John Jacob Jingle Himmer Smith...

She always get a little shy infront of the camera.  But right after that we were putting them to bed and I was looking at the camera and I saw a night setting so we took some pictures of them in the really can't tell they are in the dark.  We were all impressed...doesn't take!

Also now that I started adding those pictures I saw some other ones I had taken on monday...Jerrid and Tristan like to workout together.  Not that Lana and I are lazy, we do a few sit ups here and there to, but the boys really like to workout together.  So Monday they were  doing a boxing work out and I got this really good picture of Jerrid with the kids
Yes that is my Christmas Tree up and still on in the back ground, I love having it up, it looks good there.  But we did take it down shortly after this picture :-(

And here is one of Lana doing her one sit up for the night...look at that determination and exhaustion!

So now that I have put off doing my homework for yet another hour, I guess I will get to it.  Thanks for helping me be distracted for the time being.  Click here for the under pressure song...and smile as you think of me quickly quickly quickly getting my Financial Statement Analysis homework done!! 

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