Sunday, February 12, 2012

Homemade Valentines!!

When I stayed at home with the kids, I had plenty of time to do arts and crafts.  Many many many holidays were spent making homemade gifts.  But because I didn't blog then I don't have a record of all the things we made together.  In an effort to not change anything now that I am a working mom, we made homemade valentines for the kids to give to their classmates.  We started at about 9 am...

First we made Lana's, a butterfly holding a sucker.  I did most of the work, but Lana added the stickers and picked up all the scraps and threw them away.  Such a helper!  Lana's teachers asked that the cards not be addressed to a specific child, as it would be harder for her to hand them out that way, this way she can just put one in each bag...gosh I hope they hold up...she might get upset if they all start falling apart on her.

Then we made Tristan's, an autographed baseball being hit by a bat.  The bat says "you're a home run friend!".  Tristan traced a cup to make the baseballs and autographed all 21 of them.  He also glued the balls to the bats.  I did the cutting and the rest of the writting for him.  Tristan was not a big fan of the autographing, if he is ever famous I will remind him of this day, getting him to write his name 21 times was not easy...TRUST ME!!

So here is the finished product.  Grand total for Valentines to  friends $4.00, the price of the heart shaped suckers, and 4 hours of fun (hope it was fun) craft time.  We finished at 1 pm.

Click here for a cute song about making a Valentine's day card...Hope you're having a great weekend!

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